Join this live interactive webinar with Dr. Terry Levy intended for behavioral health professionals, including Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, MFT’s and Addiction Professionals.
Secure attachment is associated with positive psychological and social adjustment in children and adults. Early developmental trauma, abuse, and neglect result in depression, anxiety, shame, destructive acting-out, physical illness, and unhealthy relationships.
It is vital for mental health professionals to know how to assess and treat attachment and trauma issues when helping adults and couples. Attachment styles developed in childhood stay with us for a lifetime and influence emotional security, the personal meaning we give to experiences, and our ability to create and maintain closeness, trust and stability in intimate relationships. There is a strong tendency to recreate neglectful, abusive, and hurtful relationship patterns from childhood with adult partners. These patterns can be changed through attachment and trauma-informed therapy.
Adults who are struggling in intimate relationships are often frustrated with the lack of positive change, despite prior therapy, medications, and other attempts at problem resolution and personal growth. Adults are unable to develop healthy relationships when they have unresolved trauma and attachment wounds from the past. Couples often lack effective communication and conflict-management skills. They have no way to avoid destructive behaviors and achieve safe and trusting relationships.
The seminar is appropriate for mental health professionals who work with traumatized individual adults and/or couples with a history of attachment and trauma issues. The focus will be on learning how to assess attachment patterns and traumatic conditions, and clinical interventions which create positive change for adults and couples.
Learning formats will include PowerPoint, videos of attachment and trauma-informed therapy, and Q and A.
Earn 6 CEUs
Learning Objectives
- Describe the psychological, social, cognitive, and biological aspects of trauma and attachment.
- Explain how to use the Life Script in the assessment process.
- List skill-based and experiential techniques to improve emotional dysregulation and PTSD symptoms.
- Describe how Attachment Communication Training is used to foster effective communication, conflict-management and secure attachment with couples.
COST: $147