Set a good example

Set a good example

During World War II, Lt. Commander Butch O’Hare served as a fighter pilot on the aircraft carrier Lexington in the South Pacific. On February 20, 1942, his entire squadron was sent on a mission. Once airborne, he noticed someone had neglected to top off his fuel tank....

10 top parenting strategies

Most parents parent the same way as their parents, or if they disliked it, do the opposite.  What comes naturally is the familiarity of what was modeled.  Parenting isn’t taught as part of school curriculum and we just don’t learn it by osmosis.  Developing a sound...

Kids need recess

There has been a lot of discussion in the media lately regarding the disturbing trend of discontinuing recess in elementary schools.  It appears that with the implementation of standardized testing, the quantification of academic performance has taken on a new...