How secure attachment develops

How secure attachment develops

The principal developmental task of the first year of life is the establishment of a secure attachment between infant and primary caregiver. Secure attachment can only be established in the context of a relationship that includes nurturing touch, eye contact, smile,...

We need fathers

Father-child relationships have a profound and far-reaching effect on children, women, communities, and on the lives of men themselves. Fathers have a significant influence on attachment and child development.  Fathers and mothers influence their children in similar...
Parents must understand their past

Parents must understand their past

To be a competent and successful parent you need the ability to look in the mirror regarding your mindset, feelings, and attachment history.  Knowing yourself – making sense of your life and coming to terms with your past – is the first step in helping your children...
Six core concepts for child development

Six core concepts for child development

In order to develop effective solutions to the problems of children and families we must first understand the nature of child development. This is what we know about how children develop, described as six core concepts that form the foundation necessary to prevent and...
Impact of adoption is lifelong

Impact of adoption is lifelong

The impact of adoption is lifelong.  Adoption issues are significant for both a child and adult in every stage of social and emotional development. As a healing parent you need to be aware of the challenges and tasks required to meet the needs of your child. Years...