Toxic stress: A public health diaster

Toxic stress: A public health diaster

A landmark research project over the last 20 years, the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, assessed thousands of adults’ physical and emotional well-being, then asked them about their childhood traumas: abuse, neglect, family dysfunction, and attachment. They found...
Our education system is broken

Our education system is broken

Prior to the 19th Century, no organized public education system was in place anywhere in the world. In the United States, an educational system was created in order to meet the manpower needs of the Industrial Revolution. It was based upon the tenets of academic...

You can change your genes

For many years science believed that genes are immutable and unchanging. It was presumed that we are either saved or condemned by our genetic make-up. We now know that biology’s most sacred tenet, genetic determination (life is controlled by genes), is a flawed...