The principal developmental task of the first year of life is the establishment of a secure attachment between infant and primary caregiver. Secure attachment can only be established in the context of a relationship that includes nurturing touch, eye contact, smile, positive affect, need fulfillment, and attunement:

Touch: For millions of years, mothers have held their babies “in arms,” providing nurturing touch and safe containment. The communication transmitted through touch is the most powerful way to establish a human relationship.

Eye contact: A newborn can focus his or her eyes on objects 7 to 12 inches away, the exact distance needed to make eye contact in arms. The caregiver–infant gaze is a primary trigger for the development of secure attachment and is synonymous with closeness and intimacy.

Smile and positive affect: The baby’s smile is an instinctive response that attracts the attention of the caregiver and encourages an ongoing positive caregiver response. The caregiver’s smile and positive affect help the baby feel safe and secure. The relationship between caregiver and a securely attached child is characterized by warmth, joy, and love.

Need fulfillment: Successful completion of the first-year-of-life attachment cycle leads to the development of secure attachment. The sensitive caregiver gratifies basic needs, which alleviates the child’s stress and discomfort. Securely attached children learn to trust caregivers and believe that their own needs are valid.

Attunement: The infant’s brain is an “open loop system;” it relies on attuned and nurturing input from attachment figures for healthy development. Sensitive and attuned caregivers down-regulate stress, facilitate safety and trust, and encourage healthy “wiring” of the brain. Children who begin their lives with this essential foundation of secure
attachment do better in the following areas as they grow-up: self-esteem, self-control, meaningful relationships with family and friends, emotional closeness, empathy and compassion, positive attitudes, resilience, and overall life success.