by Terry Levy | Feb 24, 2020 | Corrective Attachment Parenting, Foster care, Uncategorized
In recent weeks, we have discussed the special challenges and needs of children who go through the foster care system. An overwhelming number of these kids have been victims of abuse, trauma or neglect and are struggling with both physical and mental health issues as...
by Evergreen Psychotherapy Center | Jan 10, 2019 | Corrective Attachment Parenting
If you have a child with attachment issues, you know better than anyone that well-established parenting strategies that have a history of success in many families, don’t tend to work with the wounded child. You have to parent outside the box, be creative and flexible...
by Evergreen Psychotherapy Center | Dec 20, 2018 | Corrective Attachment Parenting, Parenting
Building healthy family relationships is a team sport. But what do you do when you are raising a child who has never been part of a team? Cooperation, sharing, and considering the needs of others are essential to having a successful family team dynamic. These...
by Evergreen Psychotherapy | Oct 13, 2015 | Corrective Attachment Parenting, Corrective Attachment Therapy, Professional Training
Dr. Levy is headed to Japan soon to do a series of presentations and trainings on attachment and trauma, reinforcing that Evergreen Psychotherapy is considered a world-renowned expert resource in the growing and important study of attachment theory. The seminars will...
by Terry Levy | May 7, 2015 | Attachment, Corrective Attachment Parenting, Uncategorized
The treatment process with children who have experienced trauma and compromised attachment must replicate the emotional, social and biological characteristics of secure parent–child attachment. That is, the ingredients found in parent–child relationships leading to...
by Evergreen Psychotherapy | Jun 25, 2014 | Corrective Attachment Parenting, Uncategorized
Evergreen Psychotherapy is proud to announce our ground-breaking methods of Corrective Attachment Therapy has been added to the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare. Corrective Attachment Therapy is “an intensive outpatient program that...